It’s release day for Her Cowboy Prince!

This is book #2 in my Cowboy Princes series and I’m excited to finally share it with you. Kris and Frankie have been an intense couple to have living in my head full-time (“Honestly, you two, let me sleep already!”) so while letting them go leaves me a little hollow, it’s definitely time to usher them out of my head and into yours.

I hope you enjoy having them there.

When I first developed the concept for the Cowboy Princes series – triplet cowboy brothers who inherit the family throne across the world from their ranch – I didn’t realise quite how heavily I would lean on the fictional kingdom of Kiraly. 2020 has been a difficult year for humankind and submerging myself in this gorgeous mountainside city and its cast of characters has been a much-needed escapism.

I hope that returning to Kiraly envelops your mind and heart, and brings you comfort and joy.

Happy reading,

Madeline x